Why do we dream?


In this day and age, dreaming is simply viewed as a product of sleep with no discernible significance. It does, however, play a function in memory maintenance and defending against potential threats.mind coach

A dream is defined as a series of thoughts, images, and impressions that occur in a person's mind while they are sleeping.

According to the ancient Egyptians, dreams were like prophets, bringing messages from divine beings. They reasoned that dreaming was the most effective way to obtain divine revelation, so they would induce dreams.

This, along with Freud's theory, was later deduced to be false. Dreams, according to Freud, are disguised accomplishments of unexpressed wishes and an expressions of our psyche's desires.

It is widely acknowledged that dreams are necessary for:

  • feelings management
  • Improving memory maintenance.
  • expressing our deepest longings
  • practicing going up against anticipated dangers.
  • assimilating new experiences 

 As to why we see strange images when we sleep is still a mystery.mind coach

school of positive transformation


  1. Very thoughtful and useful blog keep blogging brother


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